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dtinfogen -- access DtInfo Toolkit functions


dtinfogen [-h]

dtinfogen admin [-h]

dtinfogen build [-h] [-T TmpDir] [-m CatalogFile] -l Library -d LibraryDescription -n LibraryShortName Bookcase ...

dtinfogen tocgen [-h] [-T TmpDir] [-m CatalogFile] [-id TOCid] [-title TOCtitle] document ... -f TOCfile

dtinfogen update [-h] [-T TmpDir] [-m CatalogFile] -b BookcaseName -l library stylesheet

dtinfogen validate [-h] [-T TmpDir] [-m CatalogFile] SGMLdocument


The DtInfo Toolkit command, dtinfogen, is used to create and modify hypertext information libraries. dtinfogen implements its functions through a set of subcommands:

Modify the contents of an information library by copying, renaming, rearranging, or removing bookcases. You can also list the contents of a library.
Build a DtInfo information library from bookcase specifications.
Generate a hypertext table of contents for a book.
Replace existing style sheet information in a bookcase.
Verify that a document conforms to SGML and to the DocBook.DTD.


The following options are available:

Displays a help message for each available option.
-T TmpDir
Specifies the directory in which temporary files are placed during the build process. The default is to use the environment variable TMPDIR. If variable TMPDIR is not set, /usr/tmp is used.
-m CatalogFile
Specifies a catalog file conforming to the SGML Open specification for resolving SGML entities. You can use multiple -m options to specify as many CatalogFiles as you wish.
-l Library
Specifies the location of the information library to build. Library is the name of the directory that contains the built bookcase(s).
-d LibraryDescription
LibraryDescription is a brief description of the information library to be built.
-n LibraryShortName
LibraryShortName specifies an abbreviated name for the information library to be built.
The SGML bookcase instance conforming to the dtinfoBook.dtd.
-f TOCfile
Specifies the SGML instance of a hypertext table of contents conforming to the dtinfoTOC.dtd.
A DocBook SGML source file.
-b BookcaseName
The name of the bookcase whose style sheet information will be updated. The content of the BOOKCASENAME element in the dtinfoBook.dtd.
The style sheet that is to be updated in the bookcase.
Any SGML document to be validated.
-id TOCid
The unique identifier of the hypertext table of contents document.
-title TOCtitle
The title of the table of contents. This title will be displayed in the DtInfo Browser.


The admin subcommand is an interactive script for modifying an existing information library without rebuilding it. It displays a command line menu from which you select one of the following administration functions to perform on a specified information library:

Copy a bookcase from another library.
Remove a bookcase from a library.
List the bookcases in a library.
Rename a bookcase.
Rearrange bookcases within a library.


Enter the dtinfogen admin command in a shell window:

CWdtinfogen admin

The following menu appears:

CW1) Copy a bookcase from another library
2) Remove a bookcase
3) List bookcases in a library
4) Rename a bookcase
5) Rearrange bookcases in a library
6) Exit
Please enter your choice [1-6]

Enter the number associated with the administrative task you want to perform. dtinfogen admin prompts for additional input as required.


The build subcommand compiles a bookcase specification into a hypertext database. It validates the hypertext links, the identifier uniqueness, and the hierarchical structure of the bookcase elements. It also creates a full-text search index.


Enter the dtinfogen build command in a shell window.

To build an information library containing multiple bookcases, an example command might be:

CWbuild -l UNIXLib -T /usr/pers ProgBooks RefBooks UAdminBooks

This build command creates a document database from three bookcases (ProgBooks, RefBooks, and UAdminBooks) and reports any errors. It uses /usr/pers to store temporary intermediate files, and it deposits the database in a directory (library) called UNIXLib.


The tocgen subcommand reads the SGML-conforming source file(s) for a book and generates a hypertext table of contents.


Enter the dtinfogen tocgen command in a shell window.

To generate a hypertext table of contents for a book containing six SGML book source files, each of which contains a separate chapter, an example command might be:

CWdtinfogen tocgen -T /usr/pers -f Perl.TOC -id Perl0594
-title "Perl Table of Contents" Perl.01 Perl.02 Perl.03 Perl.04 Perl.05 Perl.06

This tocgen command generates a table of contents file named Perl.TOC with the unique identifier Perl0594 and the title PerlTable of Contents. tocgen parses the files Perl.01, Perl.02, Perl.03, Perl.04, Perl.05, and Perl.06 to produce the TOC.

The tocgen process uses /usr/pers to store temporary intermediate files during processing.


The dtinfogen update command dynamically replaces existing style sheets in the DtInfo document database.


Enter the dtinfogen update command in a shell window.

Here is an example of a dtinfogen update command used to reformat the documents and/or document sections that use the specified style sheet:

CWdtinfogen update -T /usr/pers -b ICE9 -l Brunn style

This update command reformats the documents or document sections in the Brunn information library that use the style sheet named style, that is specified in the bookcase named ICE9.


The dtinfogen validate command performs SGML validation on bookcase specifications, on individual book source files, or any SGML document.


Enter the dtinfogen validate in a shell window.

Here is an example of a dtinfogen validate command that performs validation on three SGML book source files:

CWdtinfogen validate 03.Structure.N 04.Process.N 05.BookArea.N

This validate command verifies the SGML compliance of the three files, 03.Structure.N, 04.Process.N, and 05.BookArea.N, based on their DTD(s).

See Also

dtinfo(1) , dtinfoBook.dtd - dtinfoBookdtd(5) , dtinfoStyle.dtd - dtinfoStyledtd(5) , dtinfoTOC.dtd - dtinfoTOCdtd(5)

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